Interview Questions! (learning about new friends)

Pedro Cruz

Pedro Pedro Cruz
  1. Are you a veteran?Yes
  2. How long did you serve? 10 years
  3. Do you have any coding experience? no
  4. Favorite sport? Boxing
  5. Favorite color? Purple
  6. Favorite TV show? Office
  7. Favorite anime? Dragon ball
  8. Favorite Game? Fall out New vegas
  9. Favorite gaming system? SNES
  10. Dogs or Cats? Cats

Clayton Sestak

Clayton Clayton Stealth
  1. Are you a veteran?Yes
  2. How long did you serve? 6 years
  3. Do you have any coding experience? no
  4. Favorite sport? Football
  5. Favorite color? Lime Green
  6. Favorite TV show? Game of Thrones
  7. Favorite anime? Death Note
  8. Favorite Game? Oni Musha
  9. Favorite gaming system? N64
  10. Dogs or Cats? Cat